TOGETHER, we cooperate for Ukraine | YOU can help
For Spanish version: JUNTOS cooperamos por UCRANIA | TÚ puedes ayudar | Retos Save the Children
The escalation of the conflict in UKRAINE in February 2022 has turned an already volatile situation into a major emergency with more than 2,150 injured (146 of them children), more than 1,700 civilian deaths (131 of them children) and more than 4 million Ukrainian refugees. The Ukrainian population is leaving their homes in search of safety within their own country or is crossing the borders into neighboring countries. The situation remains extremely dangerous for the entire population inside Ukraine and the vulnerability of those forced to flee is increasing rapidly, along with the number of those in urgent need of assistance.
IDOM is launching the initiative Cooperating together for Ukraine
Faced with a conflict of such magnitude and seriousness as the war in Ukraine, IDOM has decided to set itself the challenge of "COOPERATING TOGETHER FOR UKRAINE" to collect your donations to support Save the Children. Since the 2014 conflict in Eastern Ukraine, this NGO has been working in the country, and therefore has the logistical capabilities, extensive local experience and network of contacts with local associations providing support in the conflict zone. The donations raised will be used to help affected families and children in the Ukraine and neighboring countries through:
• Creation of a reception network for Ukrainian refugees on the border of nearby countries (Romania, Poland and Lithuania).
• Focus humanitarian aid. Distributing basic food, emergency kits and blankets to combat the cold.
• Provide safe spaces for children and psychological care to help them overcome the trauma caused by experiences of conflict and violence.
• Respond to family separation by registering unaccompanied minors for family reunification.
• Provide advice and legal support to refugee families.
• Make cash transfers so they can meet basic needs like food, water, clothing and medicine.
IDOM itself is going to donate €10,000 to launch the initiative Cooperating together for Ukraine. Now we would like to encourage you to do your bit by also making a donation. We are setting ourselves the ambitious challenge of collecting at least €30,000. What we would really like is to do is outdo ourselves and collect even more.
Participate and help with the challenge “Cooperating together for Ukraine”.
Donations and comments
"Muchas gracias por gestionar esta iniciativa solidaria. Esperemos que acabe pronto esta desgracia."
"Gran iniciativa de IDOM!! Un último esfuerzo de todos nosotros y lograremos alcanzar el reto!
“Mucha gente pequeña, en lugares pequeños, haciendo cosas pequeñas, puede cambiar el mundo.” Eduardo Galeano."
"Desde IDOM hemos decidido donar 10.000€ para el lanzamiento del reto “Juntos cooperamos por Ucrania”. Os invitamos a que os sumais a este iniciativa.
IDOM has decided to make a corporate donation of €10.000 euros to launch this initiative. We invite you to participate!"